MEDNET Project Overview
The proposed project aims to establish and operate a network of port authorities and transport experts in the Mediterranean region, focusing on the exchange of knowledge and experience in relation to port and customs procedures and the simplification of customs clearance of ships and cargo. This should enhance common understanding and promote the introduction of information systems in port operations and possibly the implementation of combined methods.
The MEDNET project aims to make a significant contribution to customs procedures and the simplification of customs clearance of ships and cargo in the Mediterranean region through a series of activities.
Initially, a state-of-the-art analysis will document current and past customs practices and relevant legislation and create a “Mediterranean Port Operations Observatory”, whose purpose is to transparently share best practices with all stakeholders, thus expanding the dissemination of knowledge between European countries and the port community.
Subsequently, the bottlenecks preventing the efficient flow of information and the current administrative, regulatory and technical barriers will be analysed. In addition, the project will identify opportunities to simplify and speed up procedures. One of the main actions of the proposed project is the benchmarking of best practices, which will be carried out using appropriate criteria, such as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), specifically defined to reflect the specificities of the project.
In addition to the MEDNET best practices, the project will also identify the improvements needed for a particular port to reach the level of best practice. Pilot activities implemented in specific ports will test the selected best practices and their results.
In addition, a Strategic Action Plan will be developed, which will focus on the harmonisation and normalisation of procedures between ports in order to create an open market using information systems and simplified procedures. In particular, the Strategic Action Plan will include suggestions for the promotion of best practices and their dissemination for use by ports, but also by decision-makers and private operators. The development of a Strategic Action Plan will have a visible impact on transport facilitation by removing non-physical barriers and will enable a stronger push towards seamless cross-border maritime traffic.
Finally, an appropriate exploitation plan, developed during the project, will help to capitalise on the long-term results of the project. The exploitation plan will aim to create an environment of harmonisation and normalisation where the project results will be maximised throughout the Mediterranean port community.
Financial Data - Project Duration
The total budget of the project amounts to 5.000.000€, while the budget for the port of Patras amounts to 288.170€.
The duration of the programme is 3 years.