Southern Port
The Southern Port extends from the Glafkos River to the South to the Diakoniari stream to the North, covering an area of approximately 456,241.88 square meters, with the registers A, B, C, D, E with a total length of 1,292.98 meters of berths, equipped with a water supply network, 50t and 100t bollards, bollards and rubber scales and an E/M network channel. The existing berths A,B,C,D have (19) ship mooring ramps of which (14) serve stern mooring, (5) side mooring. There is an offshore breakwater with a total length of 1429.56 meters, equipped with a superstructure plate, a bumper wall, 50t bollards and (2) metallic light support belts.
Also included are ten (10) building complexes such as, Terminal Station, Port Services Building, Substation, Pavilion – Refreshment Building, Overground Tank, Fire Station Building, Fire Station Hangar, North Gate A Building, South Gate B Building, Control Tower-VTS, North Terminal B1, South Terminal B2 and Refreshment Building.
There are Electrical Installations of Substation, External Electrical Street Lighting and Weak Current Networks, Electrical Installations and Water Supply and Irrigation Network, Fire Extinguishing Installation and Network and External Sewerage Network Installation. There is an asphalted Internal Road Network and connection with the local road network, Storm Drainage network of the road and the land area, Landscaped surrounding area around the building facilities and Parking Areas for Public Transport, Parking of cars and trucks.

Shipping International routes
The port of Patras is regularly connected with the ports of Brindisi, Ancona, Venezia, Bari, Genova, Ravenna, Trieste, Catania and Ancona.
The routes are operated by the shipping companies:

Πατραϊκά Ναυτιλιακά Πρακτορεία

Διεύθυνση: Όθωνος Αμαλίας 12
ΤΚ: 26223, Πάτρα
Τηλ: 2610-622500
Web Site:
Διεύθυνση: Όθωνος & Αμαλίας 12
ΤΚ: 26223, Πάτρα
Τηλ: 2610-634000
Web Site:,
Διεύθυνση: Νέος Λιμένας Πατρών
ΤΚ: 26333, Πάτρα
Tηλ: 2610-343655, 2610-342285, 2610-341984
Fax: 2610-365533